…including surgeries, scar tissue, repetitive movements and strain, postural patterns (such as operating machinery, driving, texting, sports, sitting), injuries (small and large, old and new), ‘emotional holding’ (anger, frustration, fear and anxiety), bad posture, sustained compression (bandages, skinny jeans, narrow shoes), trauma (impact, whiplash and falls) and even dehydration.
And because it is one continuous 3-D web, dysfunction in one area can affect the mobility or sensation elsewhere in the body. Fact: fascia can exert up to 2,000lbs of pressure per square inch on underlying tissues, including joints, nerves and lymph ducts…and it is nerve receptor rich so you can see how fundamental its health is to us on so many levels.
Oh, and because fascia does not show up on X-Rays or MRIs, problems with it can go undetected indefinitely or are often misdiagnosed.